my name is eric tamir and i work in oxfam america, which is part of the broader oxfam international from federation. and i'm, my focus is on the private sector and our mission really is to fight inequality in order to eliminate poverty. and so more and more our focus has been on how we can reduce inequality in order to meet our mission. gets a hat here and welcome back. i shall always love to have you on the stream, your connection to extreme wealth and re introduce yourself to audience please. a booking guarantee. my connection to extreme with the extreme, clear to leave the pharmaceutical industry in the west has led consequently to the loss of life for at least the lack of availability of life saving medicines to people in countries that i worked in. i represent and it's been a, it's been a, it's been a better relationship with extreme world. and what that let me to start a stand role that monopolies played this, not just in the pharmaceutical industry, but elsewhere as a symptom of this grotesque concentration of wealth. and power. all right, you've met the panel. you can be part of