health initiative, which is run by president obama's long time friend and frequent golf buddy eric whittaker, former new york city. al fonz d 'amato is with us. good morning to you. this initiative is connected to the university of chicago medical center. michelle obama has a connection there, vallerie jarrett has a connection there, david axelrod has a history as well. i mean, on the surface, what's it look like to new. >> look, they have this belief that out of the thousands of applicant the and i think they only took a handful, i think 26 of them, they won this on their merits. it's a lot of nonsense. it really cries out to be investigated. if you believe they won this grant without the white house saying they want this, sending the word to social services, kathleen sebelius, you'd have to believe in the tooth fairy. bill: to be clear on this, the reporting suggests there's no specific evidence that links the organization directly to the permission to award the money. the appearance, however, is it's a different thing. >> it cries out to be investigated. and really, congressman is issa, t