thank you, erica ford, and mr. fuller and the dream cafe.. and there are so many people leading this crusade to get us to depoliticize this issue. the same way that we tackled car crashes and car safety, for example, with science and funding and all the people who need to be at the table talking about this and working on it. >> great piece. >> great reporting. >> i want your dress. >> we'll be right back. atattention, c california.. new federal funding of $3 billllion is avavailabe toto help morere people papy for r health insnsurance — no matter r what your r incom. how muchch is yours?s? julilie and bob b are paying $700 l less, everyry month. dee gogot comprehehensive covee fofor only $1 1 a month. anand the navavarros are p pg less than n $100 a mononth. check k toto see your r new, lowerer p. the sosooner you s sign up the more y you save. onlyly at coverered californr. ththis way to o health insnsur. >>> ahead, the new >>> good morning it is 8:25. today the town of gilmore marks two years since the deadly mass shooting