it's those other skills that we know are different from one country to another. >> erica rodriguez is graduate. >> i came here with the same hopes you have. >> she now works at a consulting firm in the oil and gas industry and looks forward to officially becoming canadian. canada's real challenge, says mayor nenshi, is ensuring the economic and social integration of immigrants once they're living in the country. >> it's about saying to an engineer who was trained in iran and china, how can we get you working as an engineer instead of a janitor as quickly as possible. these are very serious challenges and we haven't got it right. but i would much prefer we focus our energies there rather than on these meaningless culture war discussions that occasionally crop up. because those don't make a difference in people's lives. >> the public and parliament in canada generally support continued immigration. >> immigration is unambiguously good for the economy. we know that those folks come, they invest here, they create jobs, they work here. there's not much of a policy debate on that in canada.