---pkg begins --- erica sarro: i'll never forget it. we were there, it was like 8 days, and then finally they found a bed. the hospital bed erica sarro needed was for her young son, jonathan who she rushed to the emergency room after he heard voices telling him to cut his wrists. ross: so he sat for 8 days erica sarro: in the emergency room. on a gurney. ross jones national investigative correspondent runs = :25 - :35 what happened to jonathan is called boarding: when psychiatric patients in crisis are forced to wait because there isn't the room or staff to admit them. instead, they languish in emergency departments for hours, days or weeks...knowing that if they leave, they have to start all over again. one mom's video diary: it is places are so limited for a 5 scissors saying she was going to cut her wrists. the goodbans took their daughter to two different hospitals; both had no room. we found them waiting in the e-r at unc hospital in chapel hill. ross: for 37 days, you've been looking for a bed for your daughter. ross: and you're s