one of them, my guest today, ericka huggins. she spent two years imprisoned and she became a symbol of the black panther struggle. looking around oakland today, has anything really changed? ericka huggins, welcome to hardtalk. well, thank you! it's an honour to be here. it is a great pleasure to have you on the show. i want to take you back to your years as a leader in the black panther party. when you reflect on those years now, does it feel to you like ancient history, or part of a struggle that continues till today? well, it certainly doesn't feel like ancient history because the life that i lived and that all of my friends lived at that time stays with me. it's a very pivotal part of my life. and i think that history sometimes... well, let me say, i have a particular view of history, that it doesn't happen in segments, that it flows like a river. so i'm still in the river and, um, doing the best i can to uplift humanity, like i did then. let's take you back to, in a way, when you entered the river, that is when you were a yo