we will redefine a stupid, ericn, arrogant angus -- and industry.t is an abbreviation. -- arrogant industry. it is an abbreviation. i cannot get up or two years and i will hold that own to my head for the next two years. desist letternd is going out and those kids will be unemployed. >> this guy is spicy. he sat down with jon erlichman yesterday and it was no different. behavior,my normal this is for everyone. i generally enjoy doing things that cause pain to at&t. -- likepressing crashing their party and getting kicked out by security. this rebel to the wireless industry is doing something right. here is why t-mobile had the est quarter in eight years. part of the strategy is .eimbursing customers >> we are forever eliminating early termination fees and moving the industry. what it can mean, a survey was done last week, 40% of families said they would consider t- mobile. 78% of customers said they would consider moving to t-mobile if they could get termination fees paid. i do not think 78% will come, but it is a revolution. >> the numbers have been