with further a do, join me in giving a warm welcome to erik brynjolfsson and max tegmark. [applause] >> i am so delighted to be here, a pleasure to have a chance to share the research we have been doing in the work we have been doing on the digital economy about artificial intelligence, how it is changing society. i had my thanks for supporting this and inviting me and especially thanks to max tegmark. we have known each other three years but he is one of my best friends, on the cover of his book, and absolutely joyful mind and when he said let's do this i jumped at the opportunity mainly because it is fun to talk and you will find out in a little while we will have a fun conversation where we interact and looking forward to hearing your questions and comments and everybody will participate. we live in very unusual times right now. as you may have read, cars are beginning to drive themselves, people are walking down the street talking to their phones, not talking to another person, they expect the phone to understand what they are saying and talk back to them. still a litt