the inmate he fought, erik franzen, will also go before the disciplinary committee.ut he seems no more concerned now than he was when he casually walked away from the fight as officers swarmed burack. >> what do you think is going to happen? are you worried? >> no, no. >> no? >> prison officials claim that erik franzen is a well behaved inmate and it's only his violent reputation outside of prison that requires them to house him in section 20. >> with the police he has a very heavy reputation that he's a very heavy guy in the criminal environments. it is a reputation that follows him and he has a lot of crimes and it's often with guns. >> i'm 39 years old. i was before ten years in jail for armed robberies and then i go free and i come back for two years for a fight. and now i'm in jail, they think i killed somebody. >> under what circumstances did this person die? >> bullet in his head. >> you fought that guy? >> yeah. they're scared of him and they put me here. why i would fight an ex-commando? why? they are scared. i know this. i'm here, he's not here, you know? h