you know is just involved he but everything he does is for other countries all that erik prince is doing right now is contracting out for services security services and all that mercenary services to other countries so again i think the big question with blackwater z. now cold academy is is it is it ok for an american and an american firm. under another name or whatever to be contracting out mercenary services to foreign countries i think that's the big question when it comes to academy z. blackwater and all these others that are run by americans were or actually american firms and i have a feeling we're not going to get the answer to that question anytime soon any time soon michael o'brian author of america's failure in iraq thank you so much for joining me thanks for having me. with no other way to force one tunnel bay officials to hear their pleas for justice over one hundred detainees are putting their lives on the line with a massive hunger strike their protest is now in its fifth week and many are saying it's a do or die type of hunger strike it started when guards were confiscatin