being investigated by the bureau of alcohol tobacco and firearms five of the senior people under erik prince had been indicted on federal conspiracy and weapons charges and prince had sort of gotten fed up with things and was trying to figure out an exit strategy for himself and i i discovered that erik prince had plans to leave the united states because a guy who i had never heard of at the time in the world had never heard of at the time emailed me and he didn't provide me with any classified intelligence he didn't have any inside information from the company itself but because of a personal connection of his he knew someone that had information about the prince family's movements and this individual facilitated me getting information that indicated that erik prince was planning to move away from the united states at a time when when when there was a lot of smoke around blackwater and to relocate. in the united arab emirates and they the and so i this story based on that and then i corroborated it with other people that i have sources i had inside of blackwater and what is amazing is that