. >> good morning, erik williams, president for the transport union. respectfully, he's misstating the facts of what happened in negotiations between transport workers union and the agency. for one, you were not even there. for two, if you talk to your team in terms of what they brought to the table it was total unfairness. and if you look at the process between the impasse resolution procedure 88 and 049 and prop g, you ask me is it fair and we go to negotiation under these terms. let's be clear here. we want to go back to the table. you guys are refusing trying to push us into a lopsided arbitration process. we're asking to go back to the tab. table. your team misstated the facts on the pension. our team crunched the numbers. that's what happened. we came back. so add ininjury to insult to tell them this is a fair and decent package in terms of this pension where the numbers are not correct? really? i'm not going to do it. our team is not going to do it. and every individual that is driving a bus right now, despite that you think we are incompetent a