thank you for speaking out about this you're like a modern-day erin brockovich or sully sullenbergerur own bio-pic. thousands of people have been dying in overwhelmed hospitals millions are out of work losing their health insurance and falling into poverty and child hunger is on the rise. republicans and powerful people like barteromo have powerful platforms with millions of viewers. they could spend any amount of time they want talking about any of that. instead they manufacture dumb grievances to distract from real problems and make themselves feel like victims. it's their entire business model. and after joe biden got elected they amped it up to an absurd degree >> curt schilling wrote a social media post defending donald trump and in 2021 that's not allowed you could lose your insurance for that you could also lose your bank account, your website, your access to email and social media, your ability to communicate with the outside world, and there's nothing you can do about it because you can also lose your lawyer. no legal representation for you. how long before they cut off your