hacked on tuesday causing a loss worth seventy percent of its total assets and earlier i spoke with erin tilton from our business desk about the risks and dangerous all around it costs. well bitcoin actually faces many of the same challenges the traditional currencies face i mean it can be stolen it can be lost and it can also be subject to extreme fluctuations in value i mean that's what we've seen with bitcoin it's up to twenty fold in the course of a year but there's been also days where we see the price fall by the fifty hundred dollars was extreme point this year so it is rather volatile just like genuine said however there's another source of concern that traditional currencies don't necessarily face traditional currencies are regulated there's a central bank there's a banking authority which helps set their value and control those laws apply demand to make sure that it's a fairly stable source of value and transmitting value but claim doesn't have that is based on peer to peer technology it's completely digital and so it's going to completely unregulated field up to this point and we've