today with the time remaining a want to focus on some case studies erna petrie is one of the worst but my intention to write the book is not to shock, it is very disturbing when you get to do that cases of the killers in particular with the everyday experience is of women but i really want readers to gain a better sense to understand why the women went there to begin with and live a responded in different ways and the next level was accomplices in machinery said with these outstanding cases of the perpetrators. the nurse that i referred to in ben is a very complex character and i think in many ways a very likable figure in the book here is someone is thrown into a situation and to find ways to cope with that. she was better educated most had grabher school education with the hitler youth for girls with secretarial trading work to help out on farms or restaurants or working class but of the other hand in ned got her law degree in the 30's which was pretty unusual. and she decided which she was called upon to do her patriotic duty that she played joy in the red cross that during the firs