ernest hemmingway committed suicide in 1961. it's a very complex question. ts of dirent reasons for it. but first, let me start out by saying that hemmingway did suffer from what we believe now is a bipolar, depressive mood disorder and that it was an inherited one. hemmingway's father committed suicide in 1929, actually, as hemmingway was returning to key west. and of the six hemmingway children, he was one of six children, three wound up committing suicide and very sadly, this is also traveled into a third generation. so, he suffered from depression and mood swings all of his life. he dealt with it i think very heroicly. contributing to his suicide, too, other things, very important. he was seriously, physically ill. struggling with very high blood pressure, with liver disease, he believed that he might be developing a liver cancer, so he was physically very ill. and the date of his first suicide attempt, he was being treated for mental illness at the time, but he was hoping to recover and was being very optimistic about his treatment, was the date that the