former congressman ernest istuk, distinguished fellow at the heritage foundation.s we just lost the signal to todd webster. another communication problem. he's the former democratic worker in the daschle administration, in his office. ken, let me ask you tonight. white house backing. they're backtracking. or what are they doing? i mean, are you clear that where the white house stands, and do you think their messaging has been spot-on? >> i don't think their message is has been spot-on. i do think, however, that this floating of a trial balloon on the public option possibly taking off was a very purposeful effort to see how that would affect congressional support, public support for the plan as a whole. however, i think it's a bad sign that they -- signal that they were willing to make this concession this early in the game. i think that regardless of how secretary sebelius tries to recast it or regardless of what joe kline says, many people viewed it as not just an essential part of this but the essential part of the plan. so the fact that they're willing to offer