. >> ernestine weiss. >> i created ferry park. this proposition will destroy it. this is the wrong fit for this quarter. there is no merit to it. we do not need condos. we need housing for key personnel like fire and police. no mayor has ever proposed this. nobody has ever done anything about it. it is a disgrace in this city. if we have an earthquake, we do not have emergency responders. they live in the outer boroughs. the 84 foot height is out of date. this is outrageous that you even want to think about raising it further. that was satisfactory when the freeway was built. you have to review the waterfront focus plan and alamitos atolls upset of -- when used planned and change that. -- you have to review the waterfront plan and change that. the waterfront land use plan says to connect the land to the bay. this plan violates all of that. the historic view of the ferry building is violated. i am on the south side of the building. it will cut off all the sunshine on the south side. this is the worst proposal ever of the waterfront. how about an earthquake? if you