. -- applies ernet is to the service that the consumer uys to get from their computer where that pipe interconnects with the greater network. that's a peering point. that's a connection issue. that is the issue in comcast and net flicks. -- netflix. and i say that's an entirely different issue from this transmission. it's an issue that we are investigating. it's an issue we're very interested in, but it's not the issue that's here today. >> thank you. >> thank you, everybody. >> several live events to tell you about on our companion networks today. on c-span2, the brookings institution holds a forum on the future of american infrastructure. that's at 9:30 a.m. eastern. also on c-span2 at noon, the congressional internet committee meets to discuss the f.c.c.'s plans to open internet rules. and on c-span3 from the national press club, a look at veterans jobs programs including comments from a representative of the american legion. that's live at 10:00 a.m. eastern. and in a few moments, a look at today's headlines plus your calls live on "washington journal." at 11:30 eastern, former se