johnson era. he was with ernie and gloria reeves, warner sommers and i when we organized the west side organization for community action. erlene was steeped in her church, her family. she believed in god and in education. erlene was the education leader for what in the mid 1970's and 1980's we called district eight and district nine in chicago. in a way she was responsible for a black west side resident,ing with appointed to the chicago board of education. erlene was one of several black women on the west side that we called our leader. women like rachel ripley, beatrice ward, ida fletcher, nancy jefferson who headed the mid west community council. julia fairfax, bernetta barret, rose marie love, rosa lee betts, vivian stewart tyler, reverend janice sharp, martha marshall, congresswoman collins, all the women, deborah graham and emma mitts, representative camille lily, viola thomas, senator pelt, commissioner mcgowan. ms. lillian drummond, mrs. wear, mrs. irene norwood, representative collins. mrs. davis. mrs. boone. deeds, olph record of mayor perkins of maywood, illinois. ms. barbara miner, ms. g