ernie mo knees spee17. >> thank you although i thought you said the emergency announcement is coming tomorrow that maybe we will touch on that later. i appreciate the chance to be back here at csi s as a respected organization and of course t2 has had close ties with them as an enormous leader in nuclear security but to have that privilege to partner with him and/or with him with the global security threats which he founded in 2001. and sam made extraordinary source of wisdom. since you mentioned brent scroll coughed he was one of the introducers for my nomination the great sway in the senate but we are great friends and i have the pleasure to roam around with brent scroll croft each week and also charlie curtis dragging himself out of retirement to help us with the first. so last month i had the pleasure of speaking at the university of chicago the 75th anniversary of the first controlled trade reaction -- chain reaction it was the precursor to the manhattan project which had started technically but his work was critical for the manhattan project. at that time he was already recogni