ear ernie pyle, the famed journalist, who wrote about the war from the g.i.'erspective and painted for his readers a word picture of the filth and the degradation and the horrors of war equally well captured the essence and the emotion of a liberated paris. he wrote, it was the loveliest, brightest story of our time. well, who deserves the credit for liberating paris? is it the senior military commanders, eisenhower, bradley, general leclerc, de gaulle who orchestrated the military advance into the city? or is it the french and american soldiers who drove the last vastages of french military power out? how about the resistance who began the insurrection that really set the table for the allied advance into the city, and in fact, accelerated the allied advance into the city. and maybe a dark horse candidate, general von coltis who refused to follow hitler's field of ruins order, whatever his motivations might have been. well, for all of you who have been to paris and experienced paris maybe it doesn't really matter who gets the credit for paris because if you'v