days later his body reject it had so they decided it take it out of her brother and give it to erwin gomezy strength is back and my appetite is going. >> to find out that this was going to be something bigger than, you know, just a failed transplant, you know, it's going to help someone else. it's going to help people. >> literally my life and my function, i owe it to them. >> an amazing story. our medical correspondent elizabeth cohen is here, and so how did this work? i mean, this patient's body rejected the kidney so doctors said bring erwin in. >> right. that's basically it. >> geez. >> because in the past what doctors have done is if someone's body can't tolerate a kidney they basically kid rid of it. i mean, that's what we're told. well, it didn't work. there's nothing wrong with the kidney. it was that the recipient had a blood disorder that made it so he just couldn't handle it, so it was in the first recipient for two weeks, and they realized it wasn't working, and they took it out and gave it to erwin gomez who actually is a cardio vascular surgeon and he's back at work. sort of