because donald trump was a prhe f t s es's be honest here, this is a no spin zone at 8:00 every night during the week. >> i'll be back. wait for me. it's the truth. >> he told howard stern, i guess i would go to war. and immediately thereafter, during the war and after, he said, this was a bad idea. how is that a lie? let me get gina in here. >> she'll point out how it is a lie, for sure. >> well, i'll tell you, here's another example of where it seems like basic math is a challenge for them trying to write the narrative in the mainstream media. rty i he aontr 1 questions, asked hillary 7 questions. if anything was uneven here, it was that donald trump was more interrogated than hillary clinton. the bottom line is that hillary doesn't want to talk about all of her lies, her scandal, her cover-up, her bleeped bit, the hammer to her phone, the list goes on and on. she isn't available to media. when she is, as you pointed out, to hand-pick a small group and they all know their access is on the line. when you compare her to do