>> esca microcredit. >> the living memories is not exactly systematic system. .. is more poetic and it has me holding up a jar containing an insect, inspecting this insect. >> why different covers? why would that sell in england? >> i have no idea. i actually like both covers and i'm quite happy to have both of them out there. >> and appetite for wonder the making of the scientist. richard dawkins is the author. it will be in bookstores in september of 2013. this is booktv on c-span2. >> malcolm gladwell what's your new book about? >> it's called "david and goliath" underdogs, misfits and the art of battling giants and it's about underdogs. i got really interested in telling the stories of people who seem weak and powerless and yet go on to accomplish great things. and that was a puzzle of how they managed to do that i thought was worthy of a book ,-com,-com ma and so this is my latest. >> back in 09 you 09 you wrote a piece for "the new yorker." david versus goliath and i will let you tell the story but is that when your interest started? >> yeah although i would