i wasn't born, actually skim eschenbach camelot, those who run the national lottery say they've raisedcauses but there's been so many stories since the beginning of the rise and fall of those jackpot winners. there has, absolutely. numerous stories. people who win the jackpot and go bankrupt within five years. people that get depressed, really fall over having all of that money, they don't know what to do with it, they leave a jobs etc, lots and lots of stories but also on the other side, there are huge numbers of stories of people that have won the jackpot and have gone on to set up charitable foundations and a number of lottery winners are now advisers for new lottery winners. what's the difference between the ones becomes a curse for and the others it's a blessing for, how do they approach it differently, do you think? potentially, when you have an amount of money you have never had before it can be really difficult to navigate your way through how to handle it. one thing i would always recommend is take some time, take stock, if you had a really big windfall, take some time and thi