dustan: we have a big problem with plastic bags, of plastic waste, escially, in indonesia. these are mostly little wrappers that come from candy and packets, and in developing nations, they can't afford a bottle of shampoo, but a little packet for a few pennies, they can. but they're packed in mylar, and that mylar in plastic never, ever, ever goes away. suparno: so as long as people from the mainland, they are not very well-educated, and they still keep throwing trash into the river, it will end severe at menjangan and spoil the beautiful island here. dustan: everything you drop on the ground finds its way into the ocean. the ocean begins at your front door. suparno: but when it's in the water, fish can eat them. fish also can die, or if not die, maybe the bigger fish will eat it, and then we will eat the fish. so it means, like, all the plastic will be back to us. we found a turtle, like, nearly, like, dying, and then we pick him up and we found plastic in the mouth. we really had to take it carefully, and then afterward, we release it again. low: man: my dream was always