. -- esein. as officer carrasco and heppler went left and saw a body lying prone at the end of the hallway. they saw the body was drenched in blood, and the victim was still breathing. based on his prior experience as a paramedic, officer carrasco knew they needed to be rescued immediately if there was to be any chance of the person surviving. officer carrasco told heppler i will pull her out. with complete disregard for his own safety, he ground the bleeding person by the feet and began to drag her to safety. it was later determined that the stick them was the suspect 73- year-old mother who had been stabbed through the neck. he pulled the woman passed officer heppler and a door opens at the end of the hallway. it was later determined to be the suspect's sister and ran hysterically across the hallway. at this time, officer heppler repeated san francisco police department, come out. hearing the commotion from the other side of the hallway, officer heisen and hernandez were standing. suddenly, fro