suddenly in the very at the end of the column he saw esfil, his wife. their gazes met.uted: “show them ausweiss.” my mind was working feverishly. a moment later he was already running to the policeman, showing the life-saving document, shouting as he went: ausweiss, ausweiss. the policeman , making sure that the man really had a pass, pushed sfiri out of the column. when he showed “the germans in the first pogrom were liberated by those who worked” and mom was allowed to leave the column, she also told some girl with her, say that i am your daughter. she was about 16 years old girls, she said: she was also released. the nazi doctrine is the complete destruction of the jewish population. but how to cope with the elimination of such a large number of people? pogroms became one of the effective means. the particularly bloody one lasted 4 days, it began on july 28 and ended on july 31, 1942, the numbers of victims vary, then approximately 25,000 people were killed, in a four-day pogrom my mother knew the raspberries and we ran there. and we sat there for 4 days, everyone wa