man: eskom is a 100% state-owned company, so the government owns eskom. eskom does support, you know, like, the coal industry. the big portion of our energy generation is based, you know, like, on coal. there's been-- it's called a [indistinct] symbiotic relationship between the coal-mining industry and eskom. let me put it this way: about 70% of the energy requirement in south africa are met through coal. i think, uh, the simple fact is that we've got it, it's in abundance. we still have probably00 more years of coal, you know, like, in the ground. woman: is it immoral to open yet another one in an area like highveld that's clearly got extraordinary levels of pollution on a local level? mashigo: yeah, what you need to realize, as i mention, i mean, on average over the past 10 years, coal production in south africa has remained fairly stable, between 250 and 260 million tons per annum. as in when you o open new mines, other mines are closing down. man: coal, for the last hundred years or so, has really powered the economy. it was critical to the industria