the tourniquet s a corny pressing good pressure bandage is performed using the tourniquet of the esmarch’set or with this tourniquet, i understand, yes, that's why it is universal. the tourniquet can be applied in different ways. here it is extremely important to know the location of the wound in a domestic accident, this is usually obvious. but storage conditions and in emergency situations or during hostilities, as a rule, it is difficult to accurately determine location and amount of damage. the tourniquet from above is as close as possible to earlier, if we do not know when the evacuation is, if we know that in 10-15 minutes everyone will come to save us, then we impose the so-called tactical multiplication of the tourniquet as high as possible, because we have not figured out what is here burn, either here or here. simple knowledge and skills for difficult situations , the continuation of the story about first aid and tactical medicine in our next issue on the central television of fire, what we finally succeeded in to agree in istanbul and that in general it was a breakthrough to pea