was the first time i have seen an operational commander bring those new auxiliary ships , whether esp or efn, and use them in different ways r operational mission in the 5th fleet aor, i thinis a dynamic we are watching very closely and how that could operate on the pacific and mediterranean. >> i think i will carry that auxiliary idea further. we should be very careful how we characterize these ships and how we rely on them or how we operationalize them. we will spend a lot of time from norfolk looking at the platforms because just because it has flight est necessarily mean it is capable of doing the things an amphibious ship can do. the options that it gives you, the opportunities that are available when you have more options are always a good thing. characterize the ships as more than they are, or less than they are, for that matter. any time that you can spend time with our navy brothers and sisters and learn more about the platforms and capabilities is always good. i would kind of complete my remarks in this piece about relationships, that is the strongest part , i think, this current t