doubt that the term relates back to the term for the iberian peninsula used by the romans which is espanilla. i think there is definitely an east west aspect to this where spain. right? whereas latino, latina seems to be coming from a truncated version of latin as in latin american. so, the associations seem to be more north south. right? in other words, more this hemisphere in the americas. however, really, that is a little bit misleading. because, where do we get latin from? any ideas? the roman [ laughter ] , so in some ways the irony here is latino or any variation goes back to the roman empire. >> and so, somebody from brazil or portugal, can they identify as latino hispanic though they do not speak spanish? >> they could. because the census allows you to self-identify. now, what is actually going to potentially, many portuguese might say no i'm not hispanic because there is a long history of the relationship between portugal and spain which was a rather colonial one where spain had the power over portugal until it gained its independence. there, they speak portuguese and in spain, it i