my name is espanola jackson bayview hunters point. i didn't know this was on the agenda. thank you, you are the one that put this together. this is very much needed. should have been done years ago. and i'm hoping, listening to the statements that was being made, i want to make sure that i find out who the chair is going to be so i can get their number so they can come to my community. thank you very much. please pass this on. >> chair kim: thank you, ms. jackson. >> tim paulson, executive director of the san francisco labor council. i didn't know this was on the agenda today but i'm very pleased to do it because we in organized labor like to raise the floor, and i just want to comment that all the different community and business groups that are being represented at the microphone are people that have worked with the labor community, the organized labor. and i just commend you guys for moving this forward, and i hope this task force is as successful as it claims to be. thank you. >> good afternoon. my name is tiffany crane. i'm codirector at young workers yubtd. i'm here