one story in particular centers around an ornate guests room called espanollette. personally i do not know of a romantic tryst or anything involved but it's just the fact that the room has a door that is totally concealed in the watteau ala watteau. paintings on the wall that wall can be opened to rendezvous on the balcony outside of mr. deering's bath which has an adjoining door from his bedroom, well - what was the intent? perhaps we will never know. it was also a pleasure house. the typical place that creates and stimulates people's fantasies and people you know invention and projections about wildness even. well there's a lot of silly speculation about his sexual attitudes but you know in earlier periods of history a lot of people never married. you know there were a lot of maiden aunts and uncles and family members. so why didn't he not marry? i don't know. never had the chance, wasn't romantic, kind of stiff and awkward maybe. >> one fact is clear, deering loved his family and the house served as a place where he could enjoy those close to him. >> he loved hi