espinosa with jackson, it is very appropriate that you are number wind. -- one. i will read off a number of names. [reading names] thank you. >> thank you very much. espinola jackson, it gave you- hunter's point. -- bayview-hunter's point. the redevelopment agency should have this information because it was done years ago. i attended every meeting dealing with the bridge. not at one time did anyone of us say we wanted to have a bridge in back of us. my question was, what would make you think that we would like to have a bridge in back of us? i took these off of the email. and i contacted mike snyder. he said he was going to be here, from city planning. when i opened it up, the first thing i saw, at no. 9, but and you have that, is whereas in 1997, that is false information, and i wanted to know, and i went through all of these papers. eckhard on page one, two, three, four to four, 5, 6 -- on page one. i then went to where his name is. he said he would be year. cutting and pasting it. -- he said he would be here. present maxwell: next speaker, please -- president