those were planted sort of shoulder to shoulder, so sort of in an esplanade, so to speak. side by side, they are close together, but in the longview, there's plenty of spacing between them as you move down the street. they have as much space as they possible need, but the wind keeps them from doing much out there. >> thanks. >> thank you. >> commissioners, the matter's submitted. >> you know, i'm still of the camp that if the -- we're not tree experts -- anybody on this panel a tree expert? i don't think that would -- i'm not, but i think the -- mr. buck presents a good case. i also lean towards the property owner in his desire to have two trees in front of his building. i would, in the interests of the opportunity of compromise to find two trees of a different species and the willingness of urban forestry to move towards that compromise. i would still suggest to the appellant that he do so, but barring that, i would suggest that we go with mr. buck's recommendation because i didn't see a pressing need or a guarantee that the appellant's recommendation was the best. >> usu