actually say at the finish line, this is thanks to your concern, this is a fundraiser held by the espressiogether with the iryniy koval charitable fund, remember , we are collecting these two turrets, which can work in different ways, bring the bka to the right to the zero, or withdraw wounded and it’s remote, they installed a machine gun, you have a good robot machine gunner, these two platforms with cannons, we want to buy them for 176,000 and give them to the da vinci wolves and put them in the tactical group adam, they have been fighting in the east since last year, well, what about 1,760,000, we have less than 80,000 collected. 77 are not these thousands and you have a smartphone, point the camera at the qr code and you will already get to the bank, where the fee goes, or the card number, that is, under the qr code, this is if you do not have a smartphone, but there is an opportunity to transfer through anything , i don't know, some tambox or something else something, transfer these funds. now we are going to kherson oblast, the reactors we have will tell us , kherson oblast is in tou