. --, essecially if they have listening to those people. >> ii someone gets innyour car while it is warming up, you don't want it to go anywhere. >> reporter: every remote system he has had security built into it. >> you need a key to drive the % car. if someone does get into yourr car and it has been remote started, as soon as they press the brake peeal to put the car itself off. >> reporter: lawmakers are consiiering an exception to the puffing ban if drivers have adequate security measures such as advanced systems that can disable the car without the use of the key. jessica bailey has one of those. >> when it is 105 degrees outside there is nothing worse than putting at baby in a hot %- car -- putting a baby in a hot car or when it's freezing. we don't buckle her up with her jacket on because it's a safety concern in case of an sppnsor says it's more about safety. >> they have the possibility of sliding outtof the car seat if i have a jacket on. it is a safety issue. >> reporter: the house eneegy committee gave unanimous 3 approval to this committee. -- to this in committee. there will s