esteban: yeah, yeah, just about. damian: whoa. esteban: it's a lot. it's a lot to handle. damian: tell us about the role. esteban: so, it's a huge undertaking for the show in general. so, basically, what luis alfaro has done is combine this heightened greek tragedy with contemporary life so it's a little more digestible for people nowadays and it's also touching upon political topics that are currently happening. so, it's amazing in how he fuses the two worlds, and that's also part of the challenge, is finding out that, you know, keeping that heightened greek, anybody's really killingit their father and marrying's--ah. damian: is there any latino aspect to it? esteban: yes, yeah, yeah, it's set in south central la and it's a mainly chicano play, so there's-- it's revolved around hispanic culture. damian: mm-hmm, when you were reading the script and to see if you were gonna get the part, and then you get the part, and then you're reading the script again, anything stand out? or what you made you say, "yeah, that's me," or, "that's not me, but i can play that person"? esteba