after we finished the first episode, esteban, the patriarch, the heart and soul of this business, passed away. today, i'm heading back to miami to check in on the grafton that they're making. -hey. -steve: hey, marcus. what's going on? lemonis: so, let's take a tour through the whole factory. steve: to the left, up here, we made our little break room for the guys, and so we named it abuelos café. when i inaugurated abuelos café, i made a speech that this room is here because of my dad, and we stock it for them, free of charge. -lemonis: from him. -steve: from him. lemonis: it's actually the first time i've seen you -since he passed. -steve: i know. lemonis: as you walk through the warehouse, you feel this void of esteban. he was quite a character. he had sort of a personality larger than life, and you feel his absence. does it feel weird that he's gone? steven: yeah, yeah. lemonis: how has it affected your dad? steven: it's been -- you know, it's hard. he was the guy who taught him. it was his dad. i couldn't imagine. i'm just trying to be strong and follow his lead. lemonis: are you finding that you're using this room? steve: we are. lemonis: we built