he sent over a couple of policeman to estelle griswold's clinic. and when they arrived, she came bounding out of her office, and she grabbed hold of these two people and she brought them into the office and she set the officers down and for an hour he gave them every little bit of information she possibly could about birth control, all the pamphlets, all the information. she was dredging up every bit of technical knowledge she possibly had throwing it at them. they sat politely, taking notes. and when she was finally done, they all got up at got up and they shook hands and they walked out the door. two weeks later, she got a letter informing her that she was being charged in violation of connecticut's 1879 statute, exactly as she wanted to be. she was convicted, as she knew she would be, in january of 1962 and fined $100 for this enormous crime of distributing birth control. she then appealed that conviction all the way through the state legal system up through the connecticut supreme court. and when she lost, as she was going to do, she then went