this is by estelle peck. she was married to a japanese person. so she came into the camp. she wrote the book "loan heart palpin". and this is an ill trags. here is a pot belly stove. we fed coal into it. by the way, we used all military terminology. so we lived in barracks. and then we ate at the mess hall. so we were fed three meals a day. this is what really broke up our family unity: as a family, we sometime ate breakfast togt. but by lunchtime and dinner time, we were regulated by the dinner gong. any time we heard the gong, we we believe the to the mess hall and then went out to play and then out to school. we didn't have a chance to discuss family matters at the dinner table because we didn't eat together. and then, the la treens. a woman in heart mountain complained, so they put partitions, but, still, no doors. so in camp, they said gee, they have to use strategy just to use the bathroom. they have to go to the end stall, it's the least amount of strafic. no, it e it backfired. everyone went to peek to see if someone was in the end stall. but on the men's side, we