where ester lauder and tom ford.y so much for tom ford. >> they did. >> do you think tom ford is henry ford >> i know -- test a designer >> do you know who mac is? that's another brand that sells well >> i do know all that stuff is starting, she's good at the makeup stuff it is makeup, right? >> right >> jim >> i know what i am talking about. >> china and travel. >> that's what he does do you know he has this map. you can see they went to brazil and they brought it back to korea or they went to argentina. he has a flow of makeup that is kind of what norad used lid be . >> they don't have games anymore. >> still glad they are around. >> i told you cvs. >> i am looking at 29.52 the list of the most recent list of year end target that i have it is going to put you above ups target and above bernstein at 29.50. hsbc, 29.50. people have to revise up we don't want -- >> this whole rally has been built on loss. i am so afraid that people are going to start saying apple and s&p 3,400. and then i keep on thinking about those