estes kefauver. yeah, he wanted to be president at that time. so he found a great vehicle here, and he jumped in, and all of the sudden, the attack got vicious, and the people who were distributing books got very nervous, and they started slinging comic books back at us, and we were getting returns up to 90%, 95%. so we got desperate. while i'm not a fan of censorship, i can understand what happened at the time and why they needed a code at that period of history. so did you think dr. wertham was a distinguished scholar? no, he was a sickie. he was a sickie. he was a sickie. he's no longer with us, is he? thank god. [laughter] neither is kefauver, too, by the way. any other dead guys you want to badmouth? no, no, that's it. give him time. i--i--and yet, he put great pressure-- tell me about-- but the reason for it, i mean, we got to go back in history. remember, at that time of history, or that particular time in america's history, we were a very different country, and gaines--bill gaines was putting out horror books, and lev gleason-- that's bi