so in what sense then can we consider women like elizabeth stevens, phyllis wheatley and esther debert reed founders and the women like them? how can they be considered founders of our nation? well, as i said at the beginning, without their participation, male revolutionaries would not have been able to be successful in their fight against britain. with all due respect to the brilliance and the creativity and imagination and bravery of the male political leaders, they needed followers. and without followers, their efforts would have failed. and women's efforts, particularly in the boycott, were very important. and then during the revolutionary war itself, they were necessary on the home front for the men to be able to conduct the direct business of war and governing. so what this meant was that the revolution enlisted women's support, made them politically conscious, encouraged men to think of women as political agents. it gave women political identities and forced men to acknowledge that women did, indeed, play a significant part in the political process. indirect though that role may be.