esther gorbachev, tear down this wall. , tear down this wall. all men belong to god. never known for being the most articulate president, but the idea is there. not america's gift to the world. it is god's gift to humanity. the greatest orator president we've ever had, or so we are told, never said anything as beautiful as, as true as those words there. all men belong to god. that is the key idea of conservatism. which this idea upon nation was founded. divine ownership. natural rights, that men are born free and independent. bodies. they own their the on their minds. they own their labor, and the fruits thereof. no man, no government has the that which to take god has granted through his grace and mercy. which this idea upon nation was founded. appeal, to which the when we talk of liberty, and that is the seed of conservatism. idea of divine ownership. time you are in well,y, and someone asks what is this conservatism? what is it that you believe? answer, conservatives youeve that all of us, even , are a child of god. that is it. i'm happy to take questions now. [app