just fool around to make esther jealous and then she'll-- that'll make you appealing to her and she want you back. i can see the two of you back together now. appealing and appalling. but--but that's no good, fred. you see, i--i don't know any girls. you don't? no. well, leave that to ready freddy. let me... let me get my black book out. hey, you got a little black book? . yeah. i'm something else all right. listen here. how do you like that? now, in here is 15 years of the biggest hits, including some oldies and some goodies. wow. it sure is huge. you--you sure know a lot of women. no, it ain't that huge, you know what i mean. it's just--i don't know too many women, but i just got them lined up here and listed 3 different ways. see, in alphabetical order. then, i got them in sizes. and then, according to their most recent performance. no, no. it's... that's--it's no use, fred. i--i never be a romeo like you. well, that's true. you could say that as many times as you want to. hey, look here. i think i--i think i met a girl the other day that would be perfect for you. oh, really? yeah. se