so and that report is such a big deal when it comes to the era so esther peterson the big architect at the pcsw, which is the abbreviation for the president's commission on the status of women. she is a ardent era opponent and she believed that with this commission. they could make the era unnecessary and to offer up alternative ways for improving women's status and what she called a more balanced and practical approach towards removing the arbitrary discriminations on women and keeping what she believed to be equitable distinctions in place and so in the pcsw's final report. it's so important as i describe in chapter 6 because it's like protections finally came to an answer that they were trying to develop, you know, since the 1920s basically which is this idea of how do we get the law to recognize women as full rights marine citizens without taking away the law's ability to treat women differently from men. and so what they did in the pcsw is offer up an alternative constitutional approach and to just summarize it quickly this alternative constitutional approach basically recommended