destroy a very large city so there are going to be a lot of esther as effect the great majority of estrades that could do damage on earth are actually smaller than one hundred meters and would not be found by these current surveys or these these planned surveys so our goal at b six twelve foundation is to figure out technology to find and track these smaller asteroids right now you know i say a joke about how asteroids are nature's way of stimulating a nation space program but saying out here doing this on your own it seems like the threat of asteroid isn't stimulating enough well no there is i disagree less of it because the space agencies of the world including this hour are doing a lot they are working to fund astronomers and telescopes to find these larger restaurants as well as the science behind them the science behind how you would deflect such asteroids so you know i look at our work at the six zero foundation as being part of you know our collective space program if you like of human beings on earth you explained before how crowded the solar system is with asteroids not if there's